EDDM Administor Krystal Chitwood

(810) 985-5080 PortHuron@keerealty.com

FYI: Postcards are EDDM (Every Door Direct Mailing) through RMI Printers.

Design: Postcards are 6"x9", with one large photo of the front view of the house and 2 detail views on the back. Postcards are personalized with the agent's photo and contact information (sample cards are attached).

  • EDDM Routes: The mail route that includes the listing address will automatically be used. Routes can vary from 200-700 addresses. Mail routes cannot be edited. If you would like additional routes, please fill out the additional route question.

  • Cost: Cards are 49 cents each, including, printing, postage, and delivery to the Post Office.

  • Timeline: A proof will be emailed to you within 2 business days. Once approved, postcard delivery to the post office will be an additional 5-7 business days.

  • Payment: Your credit card on file with the BHHS Kee will be charged when the order is approved.

To make your order process as smooth as possible, you will need to provide some necessary information and images.

  1. Full Listing Address with # Bedrooms and Bathrooms, and Square Footage
  2. List or Sold Price
  3. 3 PRINT QUALITY High DPI Images (MLS published photos cannot be accepted)

(1) Front of the house and (2) details (kitchen, living room, back of house, aerial, etc...)

4. Add a QR Code Front and or Back: Please provide the URL/Website Address for each QR Code

5. Any customization to the back copy you would like added


Just Listed/Sold

EDDM 6x9 Postcards

Modern House Interior

Please Note: This site does not have

direct MLS integration. You will need:

  • 3 photos of the listing
  • Address, price, listing details or persuasive selling copy, etc...
  • First Time User:

Your photo and contact info